National Science Library of Georgia

Cognition and survey research /

Cognition and survey research / edited Monroe G. Sirken ... [et al.]. - John Wiley & Sons, c1999. - xiv, 395 p. : fig. ; 24 cm. - (Wiley series in probability and statistics. Survey methodology section) .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Interdisciplinary Survey Methods Research / Looking Backwards and Forwards at the CASM Movement / CASM Revisited / CASM: Successes, Failures, and Potential / Cognitive Research into Survey Measurement: Its Influence on Survey Methodology and Cognitive Theory / Making Sense of Questions: An Interactional Approach / The Respondent's Confession: Autobiographical Memory in the Context of Surveys / Context Effects on Answers to Attitude Questions / Is the Bandwagon Headed to the Methodological Promised Land? Evaluating the Validity of Cognitive Interviewing Techniques / Monroe G. Sirken and Susan Schechter -- Judith M. Tanur -- Murray Aborn -- Colm O'Muircheartaigh -- Norbert Schwarz -- Michael F. Schober -- Michael S. Shum and Lance J. Rips -- Roger Tourangeau -- Gordon B. Willis, Theresa DeMaio and Brian Harris-Kojetin -- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Income Reporting in Surveys: Cognitive Issues and Measurement Error / Casting a Wider Net: Contributions from New Disciplines / A Linguistic Look at Survey Research / The Use of Computational Cognitive Models to Improve Questions on Surveys and Questionnaires / The View from Anthropology: Ethnography and the Cognitive Interview / Survey Error Models and Cognitive Theories of Response Behavior / New Connectionist Models of Mental Representation: Implications for Survey Research / Potential Contributions of the CASM Movement Beyond Questionnaire Design: Cognitive Technology and Survey Methodology / The Application of Cognitive Science to Computer Assisted Interviewing / Jeffrey C. Moore, Linda L. Stinson and Edward J. Welniak, Jr. -- Roger Tourangeau -- Charles J. Fillmore -- Arthur C. Graesser, Tina Kennedy and Peter Wiemer-Hastings [et al.] -- Eleanor R. Gerber -- Robert M. Groves -- Eliot R. Smith -- Douglas J. Herrmann -- Mick P. Couper -- 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Customizing Survey Procedures to Reduce Measurement Error / Visualizing Categorical Data / Statistical Graphs and Maps: Higher Level Cognitive Processes / Toward a Research Agenda: Future Development and Applications of Cognitive Sciences to Surveys / Frederick G. Conrad -- Michael Friendly -- Stephan Lewandowsky -- Elizabeth A. Martin and Clyde Tucker. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Introducing the theory and tools of cognitive aspects of survey methodology (CASM) - a movement that has greatly contributed to the evolving field of survey methods research - this collection of monographs explores advances in the use of cognitive psychology and other sciences to improve the quality of data collected in surveys. In 22 articles commissioned specifically for this volume, leading survey researchers, social scientists, and statisticians from around the globe evaluate the advantages of interdisciplinary survey techniques, focusing on the many contributions of the CASM movement and drawing on such disciplines as statistics, cognitive psychology, sociology, behavioral sciences, anthropology, linguistics, and computer sciences. Clearly written and supplemented with extensive references and more than 80 figures and charts, Cognition and Survey Research is an indispensable guide for statisticians and professionals who would like to be at the cutting edge of interdisciplinary survey methods research involving the social, cognitive, computer, or statistical sciences.


Cognitive psychology--Research.
Cognitive science--Research.
Scientific surveys.

Surveys--Psychological aspects.

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