National Science Library of Georgia

National Reports. V / Z :

National Reports. V / Z : Vatican, Venezuela, Western Samoa, Yemen Arab Republic, Yugoslavia, Zaïre, Zambia / Viktor Knapp chief ed. - Mohr, 1975. - V - 19 p., W - 2 p., Y - 33 p., Z - 22 p. - International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law. Vol.1. National Reports. V / Z .

Under the auspices of the International Association of Legal Science. The Responsible Editors for the Encyclopedia as a whole are Professors U. Drobnig and K. Zweigert † of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Private Law, Hamburg. Each of the seventeen volumes has a Chief Editor or Editors, whose primary duty is to organize and coordinate the work on the major topic of that volume.

v. 1. National reports -- v. 2. The legal systems of the world : their comparison and unification -- v. 3. Private international law -- v. 4. Persons and family -- v. 5. Succession -- v. 6. Property and trust -- v. 7. Contracts in general -- v. 8. Specific contracts -- v. 9. Commercial transactions and institutions -- v. 10. Restitution/unjust enrichment and negotiorum gestio -- v. 11. Torts -- v. 12. Law of transport -- v. 13. Business and private organizations -- v. 14. Copyright -- v. 15. Labour law -- v. 16. Civil procedure -- v. 17. State and economy

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