International Simposium on Floods and Modern Methods of Control Measures : dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the GWMI, 23-28 September 2009, Tbilisi, Georgia / Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Georgian Water Management Institute ; with th support of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, International Hydrological Programme ; edited by : Givi Gavardashvili, Alistair Borthwick and Lorenz King ; technical editor Teimuraz Kochladze. - Tbilisi : [Universal], 2009. - 538 p. : ill.

ISSN: 1512-2344. Papers Presented at the International Simposium on Floods and Modern Methods of Control measures Organized by Water Managment Institute of Georgia with the support of International Hydrological Programme of United Nations Educationnal, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) held in Tbilisi, Georgia, on September 23-38, 2009.

Includes bibliographical references.

გეოლოგია მეტეოროლოგია ატმოსფეროს ფიზიკა სტიქიური უბედურებები სტიქიური უბედურებების პროგნოზირება და კონტროლი კონფერენციის მასალები
