Neuhaus, Paul Heinrich

The Family in Religious and Customary Laws. / Paul Heinrich Neuhaus, Ze‘ev W. Falk, Norman Anderson, Derrett, J. ; Chief Editor Mary Ann Glendon. - Mohr, 1983. - 130 p. - International encyclopedia of comparative law. Vol.4. Persons and Family. Ch.11. .

Under the auspices of the International Association of Legal Science. The Responsible Editors for the Encyclopedia as a whole are Professors U. Drobnig and K. Zweigert † of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Private Law, Hamburg. Each of the seventeen volumes has a Chief Editor or Editors, whose primary duty is to organize and coordinate the work on the major topic of that volume. The final responsibility for specific chapters is assumed by about 400 reporters.

V.4 : 0. Introduction: Family Law in a Time of Turbulence - - 1. Introduction - - 2. Persons - - 3. Formation of Marriage - - 4. Interspousal Relations - - 5. Divorce - - 6. Creation of Relationships of Kinship - - 7. Children, Parents and Guardians - - 9. Intra-Family Torts - - 10. The Family in Post-Socialist Countries - - 11. The Family in Religious and Customary Laws.

Comparative Law. შედარებითი სამართალი.

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